Tag Archives: Preview

Paris Air Show 2013 – A Military Preview (Part I: Aircraft & Helicopters)

Su-35 practicing for the aerial display at the paris Air Show

Su-35 practicing for the aerial display at the paris Air Show. The Test pilot Sergey Bogdan, honored as ‘Hero of Russia’. Photo: Sukhoi

The 50th Paris Airshow presents a weeklong celebration for aviation enthusiasts. As the most important annual aerospcace business event, it attracts thousands of companies and trade visitors. On the military side, the airshow takes a lower key, reflecting reduced spending in Europe and the United States. Nevertheless, the Russian impact is growing, demonstrating Moscow’s claim for a leading position in world defense exports.

iai paris13-125x125The Su-35 is making its international debut here, along with Yak-130 trainer, which will also be displayed here in flight. At the airshow the Yak-130 will have the opportunity to meet its sibling Italian M346 Master from Italy. However, this year the Master participation will be limited to the static display.

Another ‘new’ aircraft making the international debut is the Antonov AN-70 from the Ukraine. This transport plane, powered by four turboprop engine was first flown in 1994. The lead customer was the Russian Air Force, which considered this platform as a successof for the An-12 (Cub). However, after the prototype crashed on its fourth flight, the Russians lost interest although the Ukrainian designer built a second prototype about two years later. This prototype will be flying to Paris and at the airshow this year, as Ukraine hopes it will generate new interest among countries considering modernizing their military transports but lacking the budgets for C-130J (absent this year from the show) or A-400M (which will also be flying here). However, competition from Brazil (KC-390), Spain (C-295) and Italy C-27J (both will be on static display in Paris) is likely to pose significant challenge to the Russian plane.

The Su-35S fighter was first introduced in public at the MAKS airshow in Russia in 2009. Training flights of the Su-35S are taking place these days ner Moscow, at the Zhukovsky airfield at the M.M.Gromov Flight Research Institute. Test pilot Sergey Bogdan, honored as ‘Hero of Russia’ works on two sets of aerobatics – for normal and complex weather conditions. The Manoeuvres will include spatial barrels, somersaults, a flat spin, and, of course, the famous “Pugachev’s Cobra”, the most famous stunt introduced by MiG-29 and Su-27 pilots in the 1990s. Su-35S is a deeply modernized super-maneuverable multirole fighter of the “4 + +” generation. According to the manufacturer, the Su-35 offers improved flight characteristics and better avionics, compared with existing fighters equipped with older analog systems. Sukhoi say the Su-35 characteristics exceed European and US made tactical all fighters like Rafale (taking part in the daily flying display at Paris), Gripen and Typhoon (both shown at the static area), F-15, F-16 and F-18 (all absent this year from Paris). They also claim the Su-35S can successfully counter the 5th generation fighters – F-35 and F-22A (both absent as well), as it is faster, having higher thrust and range/endurance.

Among the military helicopters participating in the airshow this year are the Eurocopter EC665 Tigre ALAT in French Army service, participating in the daily flight display along with NH Industries NH90. Two additional NH90s will be on the static line – one of them, the ‘Caiman’ NH90 Tactical Transport Helicopter (TTH) in French Army service, one of the first batch delivered recently to the French forces. Bell will be one of few US companies from the US, bringing aircraft to the show. The company will display the new military armed scout model, Bell 407GT on the static display. Two military helicopters from AgustaWestland include the AW149 and 159 models. Arriving from Russia is the KA-52 ‘Alligator’ gunship, based on the unique coaxial rotor propulsion system. The Alligator is not new, the first prototype flew in 1982 and the current version has made its debut in 1987. Why are the Russians sending this gunship on this long and expensive quest? The Russians intend to equip their new Mistral Class helicopter carriers with eight of these helicopter, configured in the KA-52K navalasied version. Eventually the Russian Naval Aviation is planning to buy 40 such helicopters. The Alligator will also participate in the flying display.

Su-35 on the runway at

Su-35 on the runway at Zhukovsky airfield where the new fighter is undergoing flight testing at the M.M.Gromov Flight Research Institute and where it is practicing for the airshow. Photo: Sukhoi

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ISDEF 2013 Preview

Positioned to be the largest defense expo in Israel, the 6th edition of ISDEF defence and security exhibition has become a summit of business and defence. Taking place in Tel Aviv exhibition center in June 4-6, 2013 the event is expected to host 250 exhibiting companies and 15,000 visitors from 60 countries. As a media sponsor, Defense Update will publish a daily coverage of the show highlights and featured products and companies. If you exhibit at ISDEF and would like to add your company or product please contact us.

Israel is a high potential target market for defense and security and ISDEF has positioned itself as a leading international defence, highlighting the country’s security technologies to foreign visitors and introducing international solutions to the lucrative Israeli market.

Despite global budgetary restraints and economic uncertainty, the need for defence and security is constant.  This has led to an increase in the number of cooperation agreements and joint ventures between local and foreign defence and security companies. Israel is one of the leading countries to use this joint venture commercial logic, which has become a vital condition to guarantee continued defence industry profitability. This has lead to the creation of established ties of joint production and R&D with companies from many countries.

In addition to the exhibition, the summit will highlight five professional events and seminars including:

Civil Security: Financial and municipal leaders will share their ideas and policies for disaster events, discussing economic recovery and emergency response, resilience and continuity of services. This conference is held by the head of Israel’s Civilian Security.

Negotiation in the war Against Terror: This conference aimed at SWAT negotiating teams, will analyse the changes in strategies, the logic of action and tactics implemented by modern terror and discuss the changes required in negotiation tactics.

i-hls Big Data Fusion (BDF): This conference will focusing on Israel’s approach to BDF in the defence & HLS arena.

Israel’s International CBRNe and C-IED: The conference focus on the Israeli approach to CBRNe and C-IED defense, discussed by CBRN First Responders from Israel and the USA, IDF CBRN Special Forces, Israeli and US Government Officials, US Army, UN and more.

i-hls Video Data Analytics: Focusing on the Israeli approach to video and visual information in the HLS market.

THis year ISDEF is also introducing the ‘New Innovations Pavilion’, a new themes highlighting the roles of small and medium companies (SME), enterprises which play a pivotal role in the economic development of all countries worldwide, are an indispensable part of the industrial supply chain. It is a preference of OEMs and Prime Contractors to work with SME’s because of their innovative capabilities, flexibility, and lower costs. ”Our purpose at ISDEF is to highlight cooperation and innovative technology that has been implemented in defence and security projects” said Neil Margolius International Relations executive at ISDEF.

One of the attractions at ISDEF will be the live demonstration area, both indoor and outdoor. 74 Sqm of space has been reserved and designed to replicate different combat zones, incorporating a variety of terrain and objects including desert, vegetation, evacuated building, car, gate, etc.

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Defense-Update Eurosatory 2012 Preview Issue II

The full edition of Eurosatory Show Live is available for only 4.95 Euros before the show.

This edition contains features prepared by Defense-Update team prior to the exhibition, as well as on site reports to be included during the show. Each of the companies mentioned is indicated with hall and booth location for optimal orientation on site. The content is packed in a compact PDF format, readable with any mobile phone.

We recommend you download it and keep it accessible throughout the show on your mobile phone.

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Eurosatory 2012 Preview

Eurosatory 2012 – the World’s largest defense expo will take place in Paris at the Parc d’Expositions north of Paris, 11-15 June 2012. This year the event hosts over 1,100 exhibitors indoors and outdoors. Many exhibitors are participating in the dynamic live demonstrations while others are grouped in technology clusters, appending to visitors focused attention.

Focus Areas: Combat Vehicles, Unmanned Systems, C4ISR, Homeland Defense, Electro-Optics, Simulation & Training, Military Medicine, CBRNE

Modern and futuristic warfare will undoubtedly be ome of the main themes of the show. The French ‘Scorpion‘ program, is reaching a level of maturity enabling the industry group to showcase the capabilities of the new generation of vehicular and dismounted combat systems, command and control and integrated networking, that will be showcased in an operational demonstration scheduled for june. Similar concepts extensively networked troops and units, unmanned systems, ISR-based command and control, and advanced networking maximizing the use of precision attack, are likely to be highlighted by U.S., German, British and the Israelis.

Combat Vehicles

Combat vehicles are the core of the modern military force. In recent years, the difference between armored fighting vehicles and unprotected utility vehicles has faded, as military forces have engaged asymmetric threats compromising all assets, regardless of their echelon. It has also became evident that vehicles and personnel are exposed to attack over 360 degrees – front, flank, top, belly or the rear, raising the growing interest in 360 degrees protection, by passive and active protection means.

The role of the Main Battle Tank is maintained, at least in the growing military forces in Asia, North Africa, the Middle East and, to some extent, Latin America. Considerable interest and debate follows the evolution of Infantry Combat Vehicles – tracked or wheeled – different concepts are aimed at full-scale (high intensity) military operations or low intensity conflicts.

Mine and IED protected troop carriers are the latest category of combat vehicles that evolved in recent years. This category has always been available but such vehicles were fielded in relatively small numbers, supporting peacekeeping forces and special missions. Protecting the massive involvement of western armies in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan demanded tens of thousands of such armored, mine protected vehicles that are now fielded and require refurbishment, and modification to adapt them for continuous use. The requirement for improved mine and ballistic protection for all tactical vehicles is now mandatory, and these platforms, optimized chassis, protection systems and vetronics are likely to dominate the indoor and outdoor display at the upcoming Eurosatory show.


Unmanned Systems

Responding to a growing interest in the use of unmanned systems and robotics, (20% of visitors have expressed interest in these applications) Eurosatory highlights such systems in the UAV-UGV cluster, which has been steadily growing in recent shows. The cluster offers manufacturers to promote their products in a specific area. Adjacent to this area is the 400m2 arena, where robots are performing live demonstrations, negotiating obstacles, highlighting mobility, handling, and mission performance. In recent years Eurosatory has attracted a growing number of UAV/UGV manufacturers, including Aerovironment, G-Nius, Infotron, Meggitt, Swisscopter and Workfly. Other UAV/UGV manufacturers are exhibiting in other halls, as well as in the outdoor live demonstration.


Night Vision, Thermal, ISR Equipment
Modern military operations are performed often at night, when the ability to see through darkness offers dramatic advantages in asymmetric warfare. Night vision and thermal imaging equipment is highlighted here at the Day, Night Vision & Optronic cluster, and throughout the exhibition. Over 400 exhibitors have displayed optronic equipment at the 2010 Eurosatory, and 20 percent of the 53,000 visitors expressed interest in these applications. Beyond the enabling of night vision, optronic equipment is relevant to much broader applications, for intelligence gathering, fire control, command and control, area surveillance, battle damage assessment and search and rescue and much more. These applications will be addressed in specific clusters or by exhibitors in the main halls.

Simulation & Training
Armed Forces are being more committed in multi-face and changing conflicts and situations. Full- scale training is more and more costly and all countries are facing an economic downturn. Eurosatory is addressing this trend with the Training and Simulation cluster. While only 18% of the visitors are interested in these applications, the cluster offers a focal point for these visitors, addressing the need for improving operational skills and readiness despite force reduction and austerity measures effecting many armies and security forces.

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Eurosatory 2012 Preview

Eurosatory 2012 – the World’s largest defense expo will take place in Paris at the Parc d’Expositions north of Paris, 11-15 June 2012. This year the event hosts over 1,100 exhibitors indoors and outdoors. Many exhibitors are participating in the dynamic live demonstrations while others are grouped in technology clusters, appending to visitors focused attention.

Focus Areas: Combat Vehicles, Unmanned Systems, C4ISR, Homeland Defense, Electro-Optics, Simulation & Training, Military Medicine, CBRNE

Modern and futuristic warfare will undoubtedly be ome of the main themes of the show. The French ‘Scorpion‘ program, is reaching a level of maturity enabling the industry group to showcase the capabilities of the new generation of vehicular and dismounted combat systems, command and control and integrated networking, that will be showcased in an operational demonstration scheduled for june. Similar concepts extensively networked troops and units, unmanned systems, ISR-based command and control, and advanced networking maximizing the use of precision attack, are likely to be highlighted by U.S., German, British and the Israelis.

Combat Vehicles

Combat vehicles are the core of the modern military force. In recent years, the difference between armored fighting vehicles and unprotected utility vehicles has faded, as military forces have engaged asymmetric threats compromising all assets, regardless of their echelon. It has also became evident that vehicles and personnel are exposed to attack over 360 degrees – front, flank, top, belly or the rear, raising the growing interest in 360 degrees protection, by passive and active protection means.

The role of the Main Battle Tank is maintained, at least in the growing military forces in Asia, North Africa, the Middle East and, to some extent, Latin America. Considerable interest and debate follows the evolution of Infantry Combat Vehicles – tracked or wheeled – different concepts are aimed at full-scale (high intensity) military operations or low intensity conflicts.

Mine and IED protected troop carriers are the latest category of combat vehicles that evolved in recent years. This category has always been available but such vehicles were fielded in relatively small numbers, supporting peacekeeping forces and special missions. Protecting the massive involvement of western armies in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan demanded tens of thousands of such armored, mine protected vehicles that are now fielded and require refurbishment, and modification to adapt them for continuous use. The requirement for improved mine and ballistic protection for all tactical vehicles is now mandatory, and these platforms, optimized chassis, protection systems and vetronics are likely to dominate the indoor and outdoor display at the upcoming Eurosatory show.


Unmanned Systems

Responding to a growing interest in the use of unmanned systems and robotics, (20% of visitors have expressed interest in these applications) Eurosatory highlights such systems in the UAV-UGV cluster, which has been steadily growing in recent shows. The cluster offers manufacturers to promote their products in a specific area. Adjacent to this area is the 400m2 arena, where robots are performing live demonstrations, negotiating obstacles, highlighting mobility, handling, and mission performance. In recent years Eurosatory has attracted a growing number of UAV/UGV manufacturers, including Aerovironment, G-Nius, Infotron, Meggitt, Swisscopter and Workfly. Other UAV/UGV manufacturers are exhibiting in other halls, as well as in the outdoor live demonstration.


Night Vision, Thermal, ISR Equipment
Modern military operations are performed often at night, when the ability to see through darkness offers dramatic advantages in asymmetric warfare. Night vision and thermal imaging equipment is highlighted here at the Day, Night Vision & Optronic cluster, and throughout the exhibition. Over 400 exhibitors have displayed optronic equipment at the 2010 Eurosatory, and 20 percent of the 53,000 visitors expressed interest in these applications. Beyond the enabling of night vision, optronic equipment is relevant to much broader applications, for intelligence gathering, fire control, command and control, area surveillance, battle damage assessment and search and rescue and much more. These applications will be addressed in specific clusters or by exhibitors in the main halls.

Simulation & Training
Armed Forces are being more committed in multi-face and changing conflicts and situations. Full- scale training is more and more costly and all countries are facing an economic downturn. Eurosatory is addressing this trend with the Training and Simulation cluster. While only 18% of the visitors are interested in these applications, the cluster offers a focal point for these visitors, addressing the need for improving operational skills and readiness despite force reduction and austerity measures effecting many armies and security forces.

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